
I am an actor/writer/standup originally from Roanoke, Virginia. I’m married to a pretty awesome lady and we have an amazing little boy! We have 2 dogs that are aggressively lazy. I don’t wanna brag… but, uh… I can do a split. I have a background as a Senior Data Engineer and a degree from Virginia Tech. Go Hokies! My father is a Lebanese small business owner and my mother is a retired homicide detective from West Virginia which explains my love for hummus and fighting crime. I can last be seen on The Act on Hulu, as Hank the Plumber on Fuller House , recurring on Hollywood Heights (Nickelodeon), as Jimmy in eCupid and a host of national commercials. You can currently see me on Lionsgate’s Fearnet On Demand channel with a lead in the horror film, Lullaby.

I’m not a fan of referring to myself in the third person. I love my kid… I love my life… and I love my wife. Clearly I’m great with rhyming. Is that how you spell rhyming? It looks wrong. Just looked it up. What do ya know…it’s right.

I also love the outdoors, the gym, way too many tv shows to count, spending time with my family, great music, and making people laugh. I’m not afraid of anything. Except, sharks. And spiders. And most snakes. Ok. All snakes. My family history of diabetes is pretty scary. Have you seen that video of that Moose that attacked that car? I’m only afraid of bears because they look so approachable, but will bite your face off. Other than that. 0 fears.

Morgan Fairchild is right on as a seen-it-all waitress, and best of all is Chris Rubeiz as a handsome guy with a bit of chunk on him whom regularly faces rejection. Rubeiz is not only great looking, he (along with Schuffman) gives the movie some moments of real poignancy and emotion, and even grace. Caliciano would be smart to build his next project around him ASAP.
– review of eCupid